Fan Installation Tips

As always, it's good to read the instructions which come with the fan, and Davies Craig instructions are pretty clear. Just to highlight a few areas:

  • All fans are set up for "upstream" applications, ie for the fan to be mounted in front of the radiator. For downstream applications, simply remove and turn over the fan blade, and reverse the polarity of the electrical feed to the fan motor.

  • If you have decided on a twin fan installation, and there isn't enough room for both on one side of the radiator, fit one fan upstream and the other downstream. In this case, spread the fans out to minimise any overlap between them

  • Davies Craig fans are mounted flush against the radiator.

  • Fans are now supplied without fitting kits. They are available separately (part nos 1000 for 12-volt, 1001 for 24-volt), and include a set of thin bolts which hold the fan firmly in place. If your radiator is one of a special few where the cooling fins are so closely spaced that there's no room for these bolts, you'll need a Quickfit Kit (part number 0579). We also sell sets of longer bolts, just in case..

  • If you want the fan to carry on working after you've turned the engine off, to help avoid any heat soak problems, then you need to ensure that the power feeds to the fan switch and relay bypass the ignition switch. (If heatsoak is a real problem for your engine, you should consider fitting an electric water pump that will continue to circulate the coolant after shutdown - see the Electric Pumps page).

  • Don't forget to look at the switches page, to decide how you are going to control the fan.